If you are having problems viewing information on the Ashes of Creation website, Shop or Account Dashboard, your first troubleshooting step will be clearing cookies and site data.
The first step is to logout of the website. If you cannot do that through the site interface, use this link.
Next, disable any extensions that you have installed with your web browser. You may have an ad blocker or other extension that is blocking the Ashes of Creation website functionality.
Each web browser handles this process a little different. Scroll down to each of the major web browsers.
Google Chrome
Browse to the Ashes of Creation website and click on the icon next to the URL | |
In the resulting dropdown menu, click on Cookies and site data | |
On the next dropdown, choose Manage on-device site data | |
For each entry displayed, click on the trash icon to delete the data Then click Done |
After deleting the data, Chrome will prompt you reload the webpage |
Browse to the Ashes of Creation website and click on the Lock icon next to the URL | |
In the dropdown list, click on Clear Cookies and site data | |
When prompted by the popup, click on Remove |
Microsoft Edge
Browse to the Ashes of Creation website and click on the Lock icon next to the URL | |
In the dropdown list, click on Clear Cookies and site data | |
On the next dropdown, click on Cookies | |
Select an item in the list and click Remove Repeat for all Ashes of Creation items Click Done |
If you continue to have any issues with the Ashes of Creation Website, please contact our support team for further assistance.