Game connection issues

by Intrepid Studios

Issues with your internet connectivity may impact your ability to play or install the game. If you have trouble connecting to the game or installing the game due to network or connection issues, try the suggestions below, in order.

  1. Make sure that the Realms are currently online, check the Alpha Two News channel on Discord for status updates.
  2. Make sure your computer is connected to the internet. If you're using a wireless connection, instead try using a wired connection
  3. Power Cycle your computer and internet connection. Follow the steps below:
    1. Power down your computer and any networking devices (routers, switches, modems, etc)
    2. Wait 1 minute
    3.  After 1 minute, turn on your modem
    4. Wait 1 minute, then turn on your routers and other networking devices
    5. Wait 1 more minute, and lastly power on your computer
    6. Once you do this, log into the game and see if your connection has improved
  4. If issues persist, please open a support ticket so our team can assist you further. Our team may ask you to provide additional network info in order to help us troubleshoot your issue