How can I contact Customer Support?

by Intrepid Studios

First things first, check the knowledge base.

Before you contact our support team, the answer to your question may be one click of an article away. Search your question using keywords in the search bar or click the orange “Support” button on the bottom left corner.


I can’t find an answer to my question, how do I contact the team?

If you don’t find the answer to your question there, now is the time to reach out to our support team. Just click the “Submit a Request” in the top right corner. This will bring up a form.

Select the category in the drop-down that most closely relates to your issue. Don’t worry if it’s not exact, just use your best judgment. We’ll make it sure it gets to the right place once you submit it.


I submitted my support ticket, what now?

Great! Your ticket is in our support queue and will be handled by one of our awesome agents soon. Please note that tickets are answered in the order received and we will assist you as soon as we can!

You can check the status of your ticket at any time on our help site, just click “My activities”. This will require you to log in (it's not the same as your Intrepid account login). 


My ticket was closed, but I still need help with my issue.

If your ticket was closed (we give you a few days of notice before this happens, don’t worry!) and you believe your issue hasn't been resolved, you can create a follow-up ticket or a new ticket so we can continue assisting you.